February 2022 Newsletter


The PERMA Model of Wellbeing was developed by Dr Martin Seligman’s and his work on Positive Psychology. His research in Positive Psychology is ground-breaking and highly influential as it focuses on an individual’s wellbeing from the perspective of its quality rather than from the lack of or treatment of mental illness (see Madeson, 2021). This model suggests different aspects of one’s well-being, supporting of which ensures flourishing and thriving life. In this newsletter we are going to cover the last component of the formula.

As any other formula for success though, it needs to be practiced to produce positive results through decisions and actions otherwise this knowledge might just add to the feelings of disappointment and guilt which desperately try to motivate us for change.


Positive emotions




The last but not least is ACCOMPLISHMENTS

Something that we worked hard for and feel proud of achieving. It doesn’t necessarily have to be recognised by others, although this fact does amplify the sense of pride and accomplishment. These experiences can often be small but significant things for us that we have made big effort towards. Accomplishing them boosts us in many ways, cultivating productive feelings and a sense of moving forward, discovering and building character strengths as well as flexing the window of tolerance.

Accomplishment is interchangeably referred to as success and argued to be one of the keys to happiness. Some sources claim that happiness leads to success, some that success leads to happiness. I believe, whatever way it works, its always more than one and doesn’t work as a linear trend but rather like a cycle, one affects the other, which greatly depends on many other variables in your life as well. Sounds extremely complicated though, doesn’t it?

To simplify the Accomplishment variable of the PERMA model of happiness, here’s a few practical steps you can use to make it work and contribute into creating your resilient happiness:

  1. Every challenge is an opportunity to feel sense of accomplishment. You do not have to wait for a “big deal” to happen or work hard all your life to feel “accomplished” and successful. Work on your mindset and help yourself notice and recognise every small experience of feeling proud for yourself whether it is doing something that you’ve been postponing for months or giving a call to a friend who you haven’t spoken to in years. All of your actions can drive your sense of achievement if you chose to overcome and approach any difficulty in front and grow from it rather than avoiding it.
  2. Recognising moments of achieving something by practicing gratitude and reminding yourself of how well you did, even if it was just making a cup of tea for someone.
  3. Be guided by your values and not a sense of temporary easiness of comfort, ask – “Is this important for me?” – then I am going to transform my fear into courage and support myself in the right direction of achieving any goals.
  4. Explore your values and character strengths to set a clear intention for what you would like your happy life to look like and prioritise your values by using strengths whilst developing weaknesses. For exploring the character strengths, you can follow the link below.

VIA Character Strengths Survey & Character Reports | VIA Institute

According to the PERMA model, the five pillars together result in people experiencing positive wellbeing and developing greater resilience in life and all the challenges it presents us with.

I hope the PERMA model of happiness has resonated with you and you have been able to gain some insight and practice some real steps towards creating your own happiness.

Best wishes from Unravel.