Many young people’s thoughts are dominated with a high level of negative mental chatter which research suggests can be as much as 12,0000 words a minute at times of severe distress. This cognitive thought process can also be driven with overtly high expectations of what...

Many of the young people who are referred to me have delayed emotional development and usually low self-esteem. These two factors interfere hugely with how a child or young person views mistakes. As many of you will be aware, acknowledging and recognising mistakes can be difficult....

Anxious children show amazing courage by coming into school every day in spite of overwhelming feelings of loneliness, fear and a perceived lack of belonging within school. For those of you out there who teach children and young people who present with anxiety issues, you may...

What is anxiety? Anxiety is a completely normal emotion that everybody experiences. It is the body’s way of responding to and preparing for a dangerous or stressful situation. Despite it being perfectly normal to feel anxious, the feeling of panic caused by anxiety can be very...

I know, I know, we all know bullying is wrong and we do all we can to prevent it but have you ever stopped to consider what effects it can have on a young person and how much their education can suffer as a result? Did...

Feeling angry is something we all experience from time to time. Anger is often viewed as a negative emotion but it is completely normal to feel it and it is very important for creating the drive needed to make positive change and progress. If it is expressed...